Life does not always make sense. It never will. We are forced to adapt to the unexpected or unwanted things that life may throw our way. Some people are unable to adapt or cope. Others are grateful for these misfortunes because they learn from them. The truth is.. life is messy. It is not supposed to be perfect and it never will be. Life is not supposed to be simple. Life is the most difficult thing to understand. The only thing we must understand is that life goes on. Terrible things may occur such as death, natural disasters, and war. Although it may seem like the pain is too much, it is not. Things can always get worse. You will fall, you will hurt, you may feel like you no longer want to go on, but if you hold on and have faith, you will survive. What you may find impossible right now, may become possible in the near future. Everyone can turn their life around, no matter how hard it may seem. You have to believe that, fight for that, and know that you will endure hardships along the way that may make you want to give up, call it quits, but don't. Remember the quote from Edward Everett Hale "I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do". Even the people you trust the most, the people you love, your friends, your family, the one's that love you, are going to hurt you at some point. It is sad to say, but the truth is, some people find pleasure in others pain. The one's that find pleasure in hurting you, do not deserve to be apart of your life. They are only going to bring you down and make you feel worthless. However, do not make the mistake of pleasuring yourself by hurting them in return. Instead, forgive them, be the bigger person, let it go and move on. People judge others before getting to know who they really are. No one will ever understand another completely, because no one can walk in the shoes of someone else and witness all of the things that they have, feel the way that they have, or know the things that they know. But do know that someone, somewhere, does love you. And that one person is enough. To have even one soul that cares is enough to pull you through the most difficult of times. Remind the people you love how much they mean to you. You never know when they will need you, need your words of encouragement, and your help. Life is not about who makes the most money, who has the higher education, or who is more popular, it is about doing everything you can to help another. To do all you can to improve the life of another human being. You may only help one person, you may help ten, or a hundred, the number does not matter. Even if you feel you have not succeeded, you may be wrong.
Take a look in the mirror, is looking back at you everything you want to be? If not, make the change now. You have one life.. live it. Do not let the past stand in the way. Do not let others deter you from what you want in life. One day your life will flash before your eyes, make sure that it is worth watching. Make sure that it is the life you wanted, that you did everything in your power to accomplish your goals and dreams. You never know when your time will come, so live every day as if it is your last.
Make mistakes, make lots of them, but learn from them. Sometimes the greatest lessons in life come from our mistakes. Face your fears and be willing to take risks. Although there is a chance you may end up with less, there is also a chance that you may gain more then you had imagined.
For me, traveling the world is not about enjoyment, it is to learn. To learn of the difficulties that others encounter, to learn of new lifestyles and to immerse yourself into those lifestyles. Live how they live. Feel how the feel. Be apart of their culture and learn as much as you can from it. Haiti is an amazing learning opportunity. I still find it breath taking, I am constantly at a loss of words. Seeing so much poverty and devastation, yet seeing them smile and show so much love towards each other and to anyone that comes their way. They still believe in God and have more faith then I have ever seen. This shows us just how strong we can be. How much we need each other. Although the wounds may never heal, although the pain may always remain deep inside us, we can look to the future with hope and know that things can get better/easier with time.
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded"- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Send my love to everyone back home ! xoxo
you are having a good comprehension about life, don't surrender, may God give you enough strength to stay health and strong through your experience. miss you