Well we arrived in Miami at 9am this morning. We didn't sleep much last night due to our excitement (and as well as our noisy neighbors... No comment on that).
It is now 10pm and we have 9 more hours to go until we depart for Haiti. As I await for this 20hr layover to pass, I cannot help but feel as if I am on a roller-coaster of emotions. Not only am I severely sunburnt; I am also exhausted, overwhelmed, nervous, excited, and most of all completely grateful for all of the support we have received on our upcoming endeavors. I have been ambushed by love and support from the community, friends, family, and even complete strangers... Which has enabled me to begin this new chapter with a full heart and a smiling face.
Today I was contacted by people all over the globe including Missouri, Florida, France, and England about volunteering with us. I was amazed by this when I opened my email, but even more amazed when I stumbled across an email from CTV requesting an interview with Montanna and I. We are meeting with them when we return home and they would like to put together a news report and also would like video clips of our trip. We are both in shock and honored. Right now I think we are both numb as these last few weeks have just been non-stop. As each day passes it feels as if this was truly meant to be.
Tomorrow morning I get to meet the 17 children that I have not met yet, but have already fallen in love with. My heart is filled with joy and excitement. I am so eager to get this journey started and to begin living my dream. Even though I know we may face many challenges, I am 100% determined to overcome each and every one of them. These children are now my life, and just as any parent would, I will do whatever it takes to fill my children's needs and give them the love that they so badly need and deserve .
Can't wait to return home and share with you our stories and pictures and I already can't wIt to return to Haiti on April 25th and begin this new life.
Much love,
P.s- come out and support the cause on march 31st at the ultimate sports bar at 425 St.Clair street. We will have a live band, free food, silent auction, raffle, and 50/50. tickets are now on sale and are $8 per person. Ease contact me for purchase of ticked.